Saturday, July 24, 2010

another scam.

many police calls later,

stalking relates to clock time.

#210 stalks at the tope of the hours and the down swing.

goes aback and forth many times a day. and also after hours.

never goes out. the place smells like kraut.

systematic scam goes back two or three years,

re creates history over ten years ago.

speaks fluent german.

reflects what used to do, says it back o my door.

starts by saying,"try me..."

general krotchy or kratzz.

calls the management using my name, requests extra key to plan

break in, studies me on house tv.

his staking behavior is about greed, power, and control.

he has a political obsession.

he has a reputation among vets as a"gang banger,"

he has stalked me once at the bank,

once at the coffee shop,

and he encourages his daughter to stalk as well.

even as we speak.

it is nine o clock on a saturday, july 4,2010.

he talks to my doorway as serdinski did years ago.

to be continued later.

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